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Book Review - “The Reason I Jump” by Naoki Higashida

"The Reason I Jump" is a book written by Naoki Higashida, a young man with autism from Japan. The book was originally published in Japan in 2007, and was later translated into English by David Mitchell and KA Yoshida in 2013. The book is a collection of questions and answers written by Higashida, aimed at providing insight into the experiences and thought processes of individuals with autism.

The book is divided into several sections, each focusing on a different aspect of Higashida's experience with autism. The sections cover topics such as communication, sensory experiences, and social interactions. Each section is introduced by Mitchell, who provides context and background information on Higashida's life and the process of writing the book.

One of the most striking things about "The Reason I Jump" is the clarity and specificity of Higashida's writing. Despite being non-speaking and having limited communication abilities, Higashida is able to articulate his thoughts and experiences in a way that is both precise and poetic. His writing is often insightful and thought-provoking, and gives readers a glimpse into a world that is often misunderstood.

Throughout the book, Higashida dispels common misconceptions about autism and provides a nuanced and complex portrait of what it means to be autistic. He describes his struggles with communication, his sensitivity to sensory stimuli, and his difficulty with social interactions. He also discusses the ways in which his autism has given him unique insights and perspectives on the world around him.

One of the most powerful aspects of "The Reason I Jump" is the empathy and understanding it fosters. By providing a platform for the voice of an autistic individual, the book helps to dispel stereotypes and increase understanding of the experiences of autistic individuals. It also provides practical insights and advice for caregivers and family members of autistic individuals, offering a glimpse into the thought processes and needs of those with autism.

Overall, "The Reason I Jump" is a powerful and insightful book that offers a nuanced and complex portrait of autism. It is a must-read for anyone interested in autism or in fostering greater understanding and empathy for those with different abilities.